AAE Training & Security Assessments

This past week as part of standard Council training, we all participated in a course about ‘Active Attacker Events’. Although it can be an uncomfortable topic to think about, gaining familiarity of the basics plays a big role in being better prepared should something ever happen. For example, we discussed the three phases the human brain works through (and can sometimes even get stuck) when responding to a high stress event: Denial (wanting to believe this isn’t happening) -> Deliberation (calming yourself enough to rationally think through your alternatives) -> Decisive action (taking the decided course of action). One of the other recent evolutions for situations like these: Be an active participant in your own survival.

I was very impressed at the level of training and experience of our presenters, Laurel Police Officers Sgt. Cunningham and Sgt. Barry, and thankful our community has that expertise in play to protect our residents. And I was also impressed that they make themselves available to businesses and organizations in the City to share this information with them as well, and even to provide complimentary building security assessments and recommendations. If you’re located in town and would like to have them visit, just reach out to the Laurel Police Department to be put in touch.

Thank you officers!

Council Meeting - 29 Jul 2024

See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


  1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
  2. Roll Call - Carolyn Edwards, Administrative Assistant II, City Clerk’s Office
  3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
  4. General Public Hearing
  5. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action onOrdinance No. 2028- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and Providing an Effective Date
  6. Adjournment

UPDATE: Miscellaneous items from session:

  • Councilwoman Johnson shared about Back-2-School Community Pop-Up hosted by non-profit Angel Havinn providing school supplies to those who need them plus hosting food, music, moon bounce, more. (See below graphic for additional information.)
  • Mayor Sydnor shared about Doggie Dip Day scheduled for Sep 7 at the Greenview Drive Pool where owners and their canine companions can get wet & have some fun.

Take Survey by Aug 30 for What Businesses to Have in Westside Development

The Mayor is soliciting input from the community on the types of businesses that would be most helpful to residents in the new Westside Development – That’s the one near the intersection of Van Dusen Road and Konterra Road.

Whether you’re from Ward 2, Ward 1, or the greater Laurel area, be sure to complete the online survey by Aug 30 – Around 6 simple questions that take 3 minutes, so pop on over there now to complete. :)

Maryland Wastewater Showing Spike in Viral Activity

You may have noticed anecdotally that a lot of friends, family, neighbors, and kids seem to be cropping up with variants of fever, body aches, vomiting, and diarrhea – and you wouldn’t be wrong. As of last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control was showing that Maryland wastewater was showing double the national average of viral activity. And hospitalizations have more than doubled in the past month, from 60 to 135. Thankfully, most activity is not to the level requiring hospitalization, but it is something to be aware of out there and to help take care of yourselves and others.

(via Baltimore Sun)

Touch-A-Truck a Bubble Blast

It’s been a favorite of my kids for a number of years, and from the looks of it Tuesday night, many other kids too. :) As I walked around the Emancipation Park area lined with trucks and games with my kiddos, I couldn’t help but think ‘this is what kid memories are made of’. Even when the honking got a little much for the two-year old, we were able to wander into the playground for the new ‘bubble blast pad’ and he jumped right out of my arms and into the mix with his brothers and neighbor kids having a grand time (they couldn’t wait to get home and tell mom what they’d done!).

Thank you Parks & Rec team for taking the lead on this fun event every year! And thank you to the other City teams from DPW, Laurel Police, Laurel Volunteer Fire, Laurel Volunteer Rescue, commercial trucks, & more - you made a lot of kids very happy Tuesday night. :)

Auto-generated description: A group of people, including children, are playing in a large area filled with foam, while some adults supervise and operate the foam machine.

Prince George's County passes rent stabilization

On July 16, the Prince George County Council passed 10-0 a rent stabilization bill that had been in the works for around two years. This issue hit a peculiar peak around the economic disruptions of COVID, and various nuances were worked through to construct something PG Council members felt would work for our County (of which Laurel is fully within geographically).

The are a number of moving parts for how the legislation works, exceptions, etc., but here’s an excerpt of its key provision:

Sec. 13-144. Annual rent increase allowance.

(a) Annual rent increase allowance. The Director annually shall calculate a rent increase allowance for regulated rental units applicable to rental lease renewals equal to the lesser of:

(1) CPI-U plus 3 percent; or

(2) 6 percent.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections (1) and (2) of this Subsection, the rent increase allowance for a regulated unit in an age restricted senior housing facility with a twelve (12) or twenty-four (24) month lease may not exceed the lesser of the CPI-U or 4.5 percent.

(b) Duration. A rent increase allowance under Subsection (a) remains in effect for a 12-month period, beginning July 1st of each year and ending on June 30th of the following year.

(c) By May 1st of each year, DPIE shall provide notice to the public of the annual rent increase allowance under Subsection (a), above, that will become effective on July 1st of that year.

More information, including full text of the now-enacted bill, can be found on the bill’s page on the Prince Georges County legislative website and it becomes effective 45 days from its passage on July 16.

Update: In related news, Montgomery County Council passed a rent stabilization bill on July 23.

Council Meeting - 22 Jul 2024

See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


  1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
  2. Pledge of Allegiance - Keith R. Sydnor, Mayor
  3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Report of the Mayor and City Council
  6. Fourth of July Committee Acknowledgement- Carreen Koubek, Chairwoman
  7. Consideration of a Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
  8. General Public Hearing
  9. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2028- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and Providing an Effective Date
  10. Adjournment

UPDATE: Miscellaneous items from session –

  • The 4th of July Committee made a wonderful presentation in celebration of the great event earlier in the month, helping bring back good memories of the day’s festivities. You can be part of making next year’s a lot of fun too and your help is needed – Swing on over to the July 4 Committee website to join the merry crew of volunteers.
  • The Laurel Police Department will be holding their 41st Annual National Night Out on Tue, Aug 6 from 6 - 9 p.m. at Granville Gude Park. Both adults and kids are warmly invited to come on out for free hot dogs, K9 unit demos, live music, Rescue Squad Vehicle Extract, games, and more. It’s a great opportunity to meet the people and services that work to keep our city safe.

Safe Summer Nights

Last night, I was happy to lend a small helping hand at Mayor Sydnor’s Safe Summer Nights program being held at the Laurel Armory. It’s designed as a place where any of the city’s youth aged 12 to 16 can come from 6 - 10 p.m. to learn and have fun in a safe environment. Last night, two non-profits, MuteTheViolenceDC and Safe Navigators, were organizing the evening’s program which included activities such as a mentoring talk, basketball, and making fresh donuts (which looked very yummy).

There’s still some nights left in the program for youth to participate – It’s free, just be sure to register on the the City’s Safe Summer Nights event page.

Random bump into The Laurel Independent team

This morning, I happened to bump into members of the Board and Staff of The Laurel Independent while grabbing a coffee at a favorite coffee shop here in Laurel, Ragamuffins. They were meeting to celebrate a strong year and discuss new developments for the paper for the year ahead. Among those present were Board President Marta McLellan Ross, Executive Director Kit Slack, Vice-President Michael Walls, Secretary Melanie Dzwonchyk, Treasurer Joe Murchison, Managing Editor Katie Jones, and Reporter Jessie Newburn (deepest apologies if I missed someone).🫣

It takes a lot of people to put together what we enjoy each month, even more than those listed above. Thank you so much to the entire team! (And thank you to Jessie for the photo – The timing was just perfect to grab a ‘meta’ shot with the latest edition.) 🤪

Auto-generated description: A man is smiling while holding a newspaper and drink in what appears to be a cafe or lounge with string lights and brick walls.

Laurel Board of Trade - Business Networking event

It was my pleasure to participate in Laurel Board of Trade’s (LBOT) Business Networking event this afternoon – In attendance were small business owners from around the Laurel area seeking to get to know each other better, create both business and personal connections, and also make a positive impact for our community here in Laurel.

Some of the folks I got to converse with included:

  • Reshma Bourne of 1-800-Water Damage of Laurel (and also LBOT’s Vice President).
  • Marce Vermeesch of Krafty Kre8tions - Beautiful handmade crafts of all kinds (including fun kid items for back-to-school).
  • Jimi Ayodele of Attical, providing CFO consulting services to help small businesses become more profitable by providing clear direction, focused goals, and observable results.
  • Tawana LaMar of Ell Events, who loves and has many years of expertise for the onsite logistics of events (such as conferences, parties, & more), and
  • Stephanie Roulett of Fish of Laurel, the long-standing Laurel non-profit behind the Elizabeth House providing meals to those in need (right now they’re looking to grow their corporate sponsors to help meet increased demand).

I also learned that “Mr. Laurel”, a.k.a. Jim Cross, is among his many volunteer roles, part of the Laurel Amateur Radio Club – We’re hoping to connect to see about a special presentation for our local Cub Scout Pack that I’m sure all the kids would enjoy!

If you’re a small business in the Laurel area, I strongly recommend you check the Laurel Board of Trade out – You don’t have to be a member to attend the networking events, which are a great way to connect with the supportive community they’ve built, and then you can take the next step to become a full member with all the accompanying benefits. Just visit the LBOT website for additional information, sign up links, calendars, and more.

Voices of Laurel, Summer 2024 edition is out

It’s one of those months where both of Laurel’s newspapers hit stands, and Voices of Laurel’s latest quarterly issue contains a host of topics including:

  • Updates from resident journalists covering their five Laurel areas,
  • Fascinating snippets and reminisces from Laurel’s history,
  • A warm send off for my predecessor, Councilman Carl DeWalt,
  • Coverage of City of Laurel government developments,
  • And more!

Voices of Laurel is always an interesting read where you can discover something new, you feel like you grow closer to Laurel’s past and present, and it is well produced by a committed group of volunteers. Check out this latest edition online, pick up a paper copy (my preference) at a local newspaper stand, and consider donating to the cause direct from their website.

The Laurel Independent, Jul 2024 edition is out

The latest monthly edition of The Laurel Independent is out with lots of good information for goings-on in Laurel. This month’s edition includes yours truly with coverage around my election and swearing-in, while also containing much more helpful information 😉 like:

  • New Maryland law passed outlawing “exhibition driving” and sponsored by our District 21 Maryland Delegate Mary Lehman
  • A new President elected for The Woman’s Club of Laurel. (Proud to say my mom was a member many moons ago before her passing.)
  • Coverage of our City’s Juneteenth celebration
  • And other great articles of interest.

One of the sections I like to peruse is the City’s Insert pages highlighting legislative actions as well as a handy Community Calendar where you can see what activities are coming up this and next month – For example, I see “Touch-A-Truck” is scheduled for July 23 from 6:30 - 8 p.m at Emancipation Park and it’s always a favorite of my little guys to come out and climb around rescue vehicles, tow trucks, John Deere tractors, and more.

For this and more, be sure to check out the edition in your mailbox, local retail store, or right online. And to donate to this community-supported journalism effort, be sure to visit the website of the non-profit publishing the paper, Street Car Suburbs.

Follow Laurel's Socials for the Latest

A great way to learn about upcoming events or stay in touch with what’s going on around Laurel is through the City’s social media streams. Whether Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), or Instagram, below are some helpful infographics prepared by our City team listing where to look. They include announcements from:

  • City of Laurel Government: Useful for official meetings & city-wide announcements.
  • Laurel Police Department: For police-sponsored community events or updates on law enforcement around town.
  • Office of Emergency Management: For preparedness tips and alerts on current goings-on.
  • Parks & Recreation: For all of the fun events hosted by our City for residents of all ages.
  • Economic & Community Development: For the latest in local businesses, farmer’s market, and resident economic programs.
  • LaurelTV: For real-time streaming of official meetings plus special programming featuring Laurel businesses, non-profits, residents & more.
Auto-generated description: A flyer encourages following various City of Laurel departments on Facebook, including the government, police department, emergency management, parks and recreation, economic and community development, TV station, and multiservice center, with social media handles and interactive icons for liking, commenting, sharing, and saving. Auto-generated description: A promotional graphic lists various City of Laurel government and community Twitter accounts with icons for liking, commenting, sharing, and saving.

Gov. Moore proposes cutting state budget $150 million

This week, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore proposed further cutting the state budget by $150 million in what he described as “targeted and strategic spending cuts”. According to the Baltimore Sun,

It also comes as Maryland faces looming multibillion-dollar financial shortfalls, putting at risk the future of government services and expensive, decadeslong plans such as the Red Line transit project in Baltimore and the education-focused Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

Moore has routinely said he has a “very high bar” for raising taxes as a way to solve deficits. His proposal earlier this year for the current 2025 fiscal year budget was focused on pulling from the state’s “rainy day” fund, borrowing more than usual and cutting back some areas that have grown in recent years, like higher education.

The cuts still need to be approved by the state Board of Public Works, and in Laurel, we’ll be continuing to monitor how the shifts in state spending will affect, if at all, some of our City’s programs. But it is good to be mindful of even resident of the state of Maryland.

Council Meeting - 8 Jul 2024

See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


  1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
  2. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
  3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
  4. Bharati Dhruva Arts Council 07/08/2024-07/08/2027
  5. General Public Hearing
  6. Bid Recommendation- Granville Gude Park Path Banners- Department of Parks and Recreation
  7. Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
  8. Fleet Acquisition- FY2025 CIP- Fleet Replacement Schedule- Department of Public Works
  9. Fleet Leasing Purchase- FY2025- Laurel Police Department
  10. Bid Recommendation- Ammunition Purchase- Laurel Police Department
  11. Adjournment

UPDATE: Mayor Sydnor shared items of note during his report this evening, three of which I’ve listed here if helpful to you:

  • There are sites around Laurel (including Laurel High School) that are participating in the Maryland Summer Meals program where free breakfast and lunch are provided to youth aged 18 or younger. Visit the Maryland Summer Meals Finder to locate the site nearest you.
  • For Laurel residents who may be experiencing mail theft issues, they should first report the theft via the United States Postal Service website (since it is a federal crime), and for further support, constituents can sumbit a case via U.S. Congressman Glen Ivey’s website with the USPS theft submission tracking number for his offices to facilitate.
  • The Mayor launched a Safe Summer Nights program starting July 13 where all City of Laurel youth aged 12 to 16 can go to the Laurel Armory on Montgomery Street for games, education, and activities in a safe environment. They’ll need to be checked in and out by their parents and more details can be found at the page linked above.

July 4th Celebrations in Laurel!

Growing up as a kid here in Laurel, I’ve long known that Laurel takes its July 4th fireworks seriously. 😃 And all that hard work results in a spectacular show for all our residents and folks from neighboring towns.

Thank you to the volunteers that step forward to make this event happen - we truly appreciate you! And if you like fun, dancing music, colorful things that go boom in the sky, and more - This is the place for you and you are needed: jump on over the Laurel 4th of July Committee website and join up!

It was a highlight for me to join the Parade as part of the Council and to see so many of you along the parade route. Right behind us was a float featuring volunteers from so many of Laurel’s community organizations and non-profits. The classic car show was sweet. Gotta give a shout to my Pack + Troop 1250 friends who assisted the American Legion with Pack 602 with the flag raising. The live music leading up the fireworks was such great fun. (Check out the Laurel City Council doing the Cupid Shuffle on the City’s & LaurelTV’s Facebook page.) ;) And there were so so many more.

Happy 4th Laurel and happy birthday America! 🎆

(Photo credit parade & car: City of Laurel. Remainder: Me) :)

Council Work Session - 5 Jul 2024

I participated in my first Council Work Session immediately after my swearing-in ceremony. See the City of Laurel meeting page for the official record, and the agenda was as listed below.

Please know that if any agenda item holds interest for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as all of us want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


  1. Call to Order - James Kole, Council President
  2. Bid Recommendation- Granville Gude Park Path Banners- Department of Parks and Recreation
  3. Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
  4. Fleet Acquisition- FY2025 CIP- Fleet Replacement Schedule- Department of Public Works
  5. Fleet Leasing Purchase- FY2025- Laurel Police Department
  6. Bid Recommendation- Ammunition Purchase- Laurel Police Department
  7. Adjournment

Swearing-in Ceremony Memories

Truly memorable for me to have my wife and little guys with me for the administration of the Oath of Office. As it turns out, the littlest one is an especially enthusiastic waver of the City of Laurel flag. :) (Thank you to Mayor Sydnor for providing, as it helped keep their attention during the proceedings.)

A huge thank you to my wife for her support and for what we know will be commitments for our family. A big part of our motivation is to help contribute to a Laurel for our kids and all the kids in our town where they can enjoy, connect, and build great memories of their own.

Thank you also to all those who came out in-person or were able to share by TV — Your support means a lot and this is something we really all do together to build and make our City a great place to live, work, and play.

Thank you again, and now on to the work ahead! :)

(Photo credit: City of Laurel)

Celebratory Drinks at Skyvibe!

Following the results of Monday night’s election, friends and I went out for celebratory drinks at one of Laurel’s newest hotspots: Skyvibe Restaurant & Lounge on Main Street.

What a treat! - If you haven’t visited, please take my encouragement to come check it out. My wife and I visited for date night drinks and desserts shortly following the soft opening, including sampling of complimentary puff puff - Nigerian deep fried dough that’s absolutely delicious. And I had a Red Wine Margarita, which was equally great.

On Monday, Skyvibe was celebrating their Grand Opening with complimentary wine for visiting patrons: A great time to be stopping by. 😃 And our group also enjoyed both chicken and beef Eko Tacos, an infusion of African flavors into taco stylings that really pops (and works well with red wine).

The decor is so tastefully and beautifully decorated, the staff were exceedingly kind both times I’ve visited, and it’s a top notch experience. The owners are also actively soliciting customer feedback and looking for opportunities to even further refine as they get all cylinders well-oiled at this new gem here in Laurel.

It was a distinct pleasure to celebrate at Skyvibe and I encourage you to check out for any occasion!

Amazing, surreal, honored

Amazing, surreal, honored. Three of the many emotions I felt tonight in the process of being selected to fill the vacant Ward 1 seat on the City Council.

Thank you to the Council for your confidence. And thank you to the voters and residents for your support in last fall’s election - Although we came up just short at the time, your strong support in the last election cycle (highest among all unseated candidates) was a major factor in tonight’s result. Please accept my heartfelt thanks! :)

During my closing statement, I shared my vision for the role of a Councilmember - One who:

  1. Exercises good financial stewardship of the monies entrusted to the City by its residents
  2. Thinks to the future on how to lay a foundation on which residents can build true community
  3. Promotes a spirit of unity and collaboration
  4. Serves as a personal connection residents can reach out to for answers and to know that their voice is heard

I now take it as my task to live these out on behalf of you and our City. And I want to encourage us all to continue building our friendships, churches, neighborhood organizations, small businesses, hobby clubs, civic organizations, and more — Each one of the small moments shared between people is truly what makes Laurel great!

And happy 4th of July! :)

(Photo credit: City of Laurel)