Following the 2023 election season, the Board of Election Supervisors, in consultation with the Clerk to the Council and legal advisors, have been working diligently to pull together a re-write of the City’s election laws as a means to update and add clarity. It covers everything from who can vote, how votes are cast, rules to apply for candidacy, types of actions candidates can take, etc.

That work now comes before Council and is docketed for consideration this month (February). A few notes:

  • Some of the changes are typographic in nature, while others represent material changes.

  • The changes themselves are spread between two documents: (a) Charter Resolution 181 to amend the applicable provisions of the City Charter, and (b) Ordinance 2038 to amend the applicable provisions of the City Code. So to get the full impact, you’d need to look at both documents.

  • (Side note: Quick breakdown on the difference between the City Charter and the City Code: By analogy, you could say the Charter is like the Constitution for the City, while the Code is like the laws. The Charter is typically more high level and comes with additional difficulties to amend, while the Code typically leans more to detail regulations and can be revised in a more standard method. Both are available online.)

  • The proposed changes are available via the City’s Meetings & Agenda page - Simply navigate to the next City Council meeting and click on the link for “Agenda Packet”. If the documents get revised between meetings, going to the most current meeting should get you the most current version of the document.

  • As it currently stands, the documents would be expected to follow the normal process of: (a) an initial look during the Work Session on Feb 5, (b) First Reading with opportunity for public comment during the Regular Meeting on Feb 10, and (c) Second Reading with opportunity for public comment plus possible vote during the Regular Meeting on Feb 24. (UPDATE 10 Feb 2025: The documents are expected to go through a second Work Session, currently being scheduled. Residents can still share thoughts during General Public Hearings at regular Council Meetings, or anytime directly with Councilmembers.)

Because the City election laws affect basically everybody (covering who can vote, how, who can run for office, how, etc.), it’s one of those items I’d highly encourage folks to engage with. You may already have opinions on City election procedure based on your own experience — If so, I’d very much be interested to hear it. And you may read parts of the documents you’re most interested in and have a question or concern — I would very much like to listen.

My goal is would be that at the end of the day, there’s a process that’s clear, provides an even field, respects residents’ voting rights, and provides a simple path to the best possible outcome for our City every two and four years.

Please reach out to share your questions, ideas, or thoughts as your voice helps me shape legislation and decisions. Thank you! 😀