Council meetings

    Info for City Council Meeting - 9 Dec 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me as your voice helps me shape legislation and decisions.


    1. Call to Order - Council President Kyla Clark
    2. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, City Clerk
    3. Approval of Minutes: November 25, 2024 Regular Meeting; December 4, 2024 Work Session 
    4. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    5. Mayoral Appointments: Michael Gray, Tree Board, 12/09/2024-12/09/2026; Donica Sutton, Education Advisory Committee, 12/09/2024-12/09/2026
    6. General Public Hearing
    7. Bid Recommendation- First Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    8. Sole Source Purchase Recommendation-Ongoing City-wide Replacement of Existing Street Lighting Project- Department of Public Works
    9. Bid Recommendation- Lafayette Avenue Improvements- Department of Public Works
    10. Architectural and Engineering Firms Contract Continuation Recommendation- Department of Public Works  
    11. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Resolution No. 5-2024- A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland Creating the Master Plan Review Committee and Providing an Effective Date
    12. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Resolution No. 6-2024- A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland Declaring a Temporary Moratorium Regarding the Processing of Zoning Matters within the City of Laurel, Maryland and Providing an Effective Date
    13. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2033- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend the City of Laurel Police Retirement Plan to Extend the Deferred Retirement Option Plan
    14. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2034- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend the City of Laurel Employees Retirement Plan to Extend the Deferred Retirement Option Plan
    15. Adjournment

    Watch live online via LaurelTV or the MyLaurel app, or on your TV via Comcast Channel 996 (HD)/ 71 (SD) or Verizon FiOS Channel 12. And if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.

    Auto-generated description: Official seal and logo of the City of Laurel, Maryland, featuring a coat of arms and the city's name.

    Info for Council Work Session - 4 Dec 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


    1. Call to Order - Kyla Clark, Council President
    2. Bid Recommendation- First Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    3. Sole Source Purchase Recommendation-Ongoing City-wide Replacement of Existing Street Lighting Project- Department of Public Works
    4. Bid Recommendation- Lafayette Avenue Improvements- Department of Public Works
    5. Architectural and Engineering Firms Contract Continuation Recommendation- Department of Public Works
    6. Resolution No. 5-2024- A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland Creating the Master Plan Review Committee and Providing an Effective Date
    7. Resolution No. 6-2024- A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland Declaring a Temporary Moratorium Regarding the Processing of Zoning Matters within the City of Laurel, Maryland and Providing an Effective Date.
    8. Ordinance No. 2033- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend the City of Laurel Police Retirement Plan to Extend the Deferred Retirement Option Plan
    9. Ordinance No. 2034- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend the City of Laurel Employees Retirement Plan to Extend the Deferred Retirement Option Plan

    Watch live online via LaurelTV or the MyLaurel app, or on your TV via Comcast Channel 996 (HD)/ 71 (SD) or Verizon FiOS Channel 12. And if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.

    Auto-generated description: Official seal and logo of the City of Laurel, Maryland, featuring a coat of arms and the city's name.

    Breakdown of New proposed Council Standing Rules

    At the coming Council Meeting on Monday, Nov 25, the Council will potentially vote on adopting new “Standing Rules” that govern the basic operations of the City Council and its meetings. Many of the items are heavily procedural, but there’s a couple items with impact to residents that I wanted to highlight for you:

    • The section for Rules 36-46 relate to those around Public Hearings.
    • Rule 40 provides each member of the public three (3) minutes to share on their topic. (This is an increase from 2 minutes previously and reflects feedback from residents received over the past year.)
    • Rule 40 also describes a new mechanism where, if 5 or more members of the public are present to speak on the same subject, they can designate one member representative to speak for a longer five (5) minutes.

    For reference, the sections of the document are:

    1. Rules of Order
    2. Open Meetings
    3. Notice of Special Meeting or Work Sessions
    4. Election of President
    5. Duties - President of the Council
    6. Agendas
    7. Conduct & Decorum of Members
    8. Standing Committees – City Council
    9. Order of Business
    10. Public Hearing
    11. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    12. Legislative Proceedings
    13. Introduction and Passage of Legislation
    14. Appeal
    15. Virtual & Video Meetings
    16. Filling a Vacancy of the Council
    17. City Council - Boards/ Commissions/ Committees
    18. Miscellaneous

    You can download a copy of the latest version as of today, and also look to the City of Laurel Official Meetings page for any updates that are included for consideration in future meetings.

    Please reach out to me directly with any thoughts or feedback, and feel free to join us on Monday, Nov 25 to share your thoughts for Council on any item as well.

    Council Meeting - 25 Nov 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV or the MyLaurel app, or on your TV via Comcast Channel 996 (HD)/ 71 (SD) or Verizon FiOS Channel 12. And if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.

    NOTE: Included among the items the Council may vote on are the proposed changes to the Council Standing Rules (which includes updates to public hearing time limits). To share your thoughts, please be sure to reach out to the Clerk and/or join us in-person at the meeting. :)

    1. Call to Order - James Kole, President
    2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America- Mayor Keith R. Sydnor
    3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, City Clerk
    4. Laurel University Graduation Ceremony
    5. Approval of Minutes: November 4, 2024 Regular Meeting; November 13, 2024 Special Meeting; November 13, 2024 Closed Session
    6. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    7. Mayoral Appointments: Tiara Matthews, Education Advisory Committee 11/25/2024-11/25/2026; Rubama Patwary, Art Council 11/25/2024-11/25/2026 ; Roy Smith II, Planning Commission 11/25/2024-11/25/2029
    8. General Public Hearing
    9. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action on Resolution No. 4-2024- A Resolution of the Laurel City Council to Approve the Rewrite of the Council Standing Rules
    10. Possible Adjournment to Closed Session Under the Open Meetings Act Provisions Section 3-305 (b) (3) to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto in order to protect the Mayor and City Council’s bargaining power and Section 3- 305 (b) (7) to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice regarding the potential purchase of real property
    11. Election of the Council President
    12. Election or Selection of President Pro-Tem
    13. Adjournment
    Auto-generated description: Official seal and logo of the City of Laurel, Maryland, featuring a coat of arms and the city's name.

    Council Work Session + Meeting - 4 Nov 2024

    Because of scheduling complexities for November, next Monday will be a combination Council Work Session (scheduled for 5 p.m.) followed by a Council Meeting (scheduled for 6 p.m.) - The agenda items for both meetings are the same: The first session is intended more for the usual hashing through details before advancing an agenda item to a regular meeting. The regular meeting also differs in that it contains the usual ‘public hearing’ components.

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV or the MyLaurel app, or on your TV via Comcast Channel 996 (HD)/ 71 (SD) or Verizon FiOS Channel 12. And if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.

    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America - Keith R. Sydnor, Mayor
    3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    4. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    5. General Public Hearing
    6. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2035- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date
    7. Consideration of a Purchase Requisition- Curbside Composting Supplies- Sustainability Management
    8. Consideration of a Bid Recommendation- Municipal Phone System Upgrade- Department of Information Technology
    9. Consideration of a Purchase Requisition- Emergency Bearcat Vehicle- Laurel Police Department
    10. Consideration of a Fleet Acquisition- TYMCO 435 Street Sweeper- Department of Public Works
    11. Consideration of a Fleet Acquisition- Street Crack Sealer- Department of Public Works
    12. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Resolution No. 4-2024- A Resolution of the Laurel City Council to Approve the Rewrite of the Council Standing Rules.
    13. Adjournment

    Council Meeting - 28 Oct 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV or the MyLaurel app, or on your TV via Comcast Channel 996 (HD)/ 71 (SD) or Verizon FiOS Channel 12. And if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.

    NOTE: Included among the items the Council is expected to vote on are the proposed PG public school employee tax credit and the City logo approval process. To share your thoughts, please be sure to reach out to the Clerk and/or join us at the meeting. :)


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America Led by Girl Scout Troop 3071 and Troop 4813
    3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    4. Approval of Minutes: September 23, 2024 Regular Meeting; October 2, 2024 Work Session; October 16, 2024 Regular Meeting
    5. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    6. Mayoral Appointments/Reappointments: The Honorable Donna L. Crary, Community Redevelopment Authority, 10/28/24-10/28/27; William Chase, Juneteenth Executive Committee
    7. General Public Hearing
    8. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2030- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Add a New Section 16-13 to the Laurel City Code, Chapter 16 “Taxation”, Article I “In General” Section 13 “Public School Employee Tax Credit Program: and to Provide an Effective Date.
    9. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2031- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date.
    10. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2032- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend Chapter 2 “Administration”, Article I Entitled “In General”, Section 2-3 Entitled “City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, and Official City Branding Logos”, of the Laurel City Code to Change the Section Title to “City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission, and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos,” and Require Written Permission of the Mayor to Use the City Seal, or City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos for Non-City Related Use, in Accordance with the City’s Policy on the Use of City Seals and Logos and Providing an Effective Date.
    11. Adjournment

    Council Meeting - 16 Oct 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    4. Appointments: Bill Wellford, Chairman Board of Election Supervisors 10/16/2024-10/16/2028; Kenneth Ford Emergency Services Commission 10/16/2024-10/16/2029l; Tawana LaMar Juneteenth Executive Committee; Kia Young Juneteenth Executive Committee
    5. General Public Hearing
    6. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2030- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Add a New Section 16-13 to the Laurel City Code, Chapter 16 “Taxation”, Article I “In General” Section 13 “Public School Employee Tax Credit Program: and to Provide an Effective Date.
    7. Ordinance No. 2031- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date.
    8. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2032- An Ordinance of the Mayor And City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend Chapter 2 “Administration”, Article I Entitled “In General”, Section 2-3 Entitled “City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, and Official City Branding Logos”, of the Laurel City Code to Change the Section Title to " City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission, and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos,” and Require Written Permission of the Mayor to Use the City Seal, or City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos for Non-City Related Use, in Accordance With the City’s Policy on the Use of City Seals and Logos and Providing an Effective Date.
    9. Adjournment

    PG County public school employee Tax Credit under consideration

    At last night’s Council Work Session, legislation was introduced (Ordinance 2030) with sponsorship by President Kole, to avail of a new provision passed into Maryland law that allows municipalities to provide property tax credits to public school employees.

    The gist on how it works:

    1. The credit is for 20% of the City property tax, not to exceed $2,500
    2. It is only for PG County public school employees working at Laurel-area schools that are City of Laurel residents. (Unfortunately, the Maryland law constrains to this definition and does not permit the City to include employees of adjacent County public schools [e.g., Howard or Anne Arundel] nor the private schools in the City. This may be something to write our Maryland representatives about.)
    3. The home can have a maximum assessed value of up to $500k at the time of application
    4. And it can’t be used in combination with any other City-level property tax credit (e.g., Homestead Credit, Veterans Credit, etc.)
    5. The Mayor’s Office will set the amount of credits available as part of the budget to be approved for next year, when the credit would first take effect.

    Additional details can be found in the text of Ordinance 2030 and it will be open to comments from the public at the next City Council Meeting scheduled for October 16, so come on out if there’s additional questions or comments you’d like to share as we consider this legislation for the City. (Meeting details and instructions on how to sign-up to speak are available on the Clerk’s official meetings page, and also feel free to reach out to me directly.)

    (Side note: In the process of researching this legislation, I also learned that recent changes in Maryland law allow the City to lift the 5-year limit that exists on the already existing tax credits for age 65+, veterans, and public safety officers – I’ll be working to help sponsor legislation that makes those updates to our City laws as well, so stay tuned for that if those apply to you.)

    Council Meeting Schedule Explained + 2025 Calendar

    “When are the meetings for City Council?" – I’ve gotten this question a few times over the last couple weeks and thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to share the ‘crib notes’ version 📝 of City Council meetings. :) –>

    1. City Council meetings typically consist of: (a) Work Sessions, and (b) regular Council Meetings.

    2. “Work Sessions” are opportunities for Councilmembers to hash through details of bids, Ordinances, Resolutions, or other items that are under consideration, but no votes are cast in this type of meeting. They are typically held virtually on the 1st Wednesday of each month and are always open to the public to attend, but because of their nature, don’t contain a ‘public hearing’ component for the public to comment.

    3. “Council Meetings” are where agenda items for consideration are discussed further if needed, members of the public can attend and share their thoughts & insights, and votes are taken. These meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday (virtually) and 4th Monday (in-person) of each month. (Pro Tip: Ordinances and Resolutions usually need to appear in two Council Meetings before a vote can be taken, while Bids need appear in one Council Meeting before being voted on.)

    4. Sometimes this normal schedule pattern of ‘1st Wednesday - 2nd Monday - 4th Monday’ has to be shifted due to holidays or other events that conflict. (For example, the ‘2nd Monday Council Meeting’ that would typically be on Oct 14 next month, will actually be on Oct 16 due to a holiday.) You can always see the latest meeting date/ information on the City’s official meeting page.

    Hopefully the above is helpful to get an idea of the normal ‘rhythms’ of the meetings of City Council, and bonus material for you having read this far: 😉 Here’s an unofficial copy of the 2025 City Council calendar of meetings if you’d like to get yourself setup for the new year.

    And of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly any time if you have question – happy to be of service!

    Council Work Session - 2 Oct 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - James Kole, President
    2. Ordinance No. 2030- An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Add a New Section 16-13 to the Laurel City Code, Chapter 16 “Taxation”, Article I “In General” Section 13 “Public School Employee Tax Credit Program: and to Provide an Effective Date.
    3. Ordinance No. 2031- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date.
    4. Ordinance No. 2032- An Ordinance of the Mayor And City Council of Laurel, Maryland to Amend Chapter 2 “Administration”, Article I Entitled “In General”, Section 2-3 Entitled “City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, and Official City Branding Logos”, of the Laurel City Code to Change the Section Title to " City Seal, City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission, and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos,” and Require Written Permission of the Mayor to Use the City Seal, or City Department Seals and Logos, Official City Board, Commission and Committee Logos, and Official City Branding Logos for Non-City Related Use, in Accordance With the City’s Policy on the Use of City Seals and Logos and Providing an Effective Date.
    5. Adjournment

    Council Meeting - 23 Sep 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America- Keith R. Sydnor, Mayor
    3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    4. Approval of Minutes: July 22, 2024 Special Work Session; July 22, 2024 Regular Meeting; July 29, 2024 Special Meeting; September 4, 2024 Work Session; September 9, 2024 Regular Meeting
    5. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    6. Appointment Stanley Spalding, Planning Commission, 09/23/2024-09/23/2029; Reappointment Charles Clyburn Arts Council, 09/23/2024-09/23/2026
    7. General Public Hearing
    8. Adjournment

    Council Meeting - 9 Sep 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    4. Appointments: Jimmy Rogers - Tree Board - 09/09/2024-09/09/2026; Oscar De La Puente - Historic District Commission - 09/09/2024-09/09/2027
    5. General Public Hearing
    6. Ordinance No. 2029- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date
    7. Bid Recommendation- Fourth and Fifth Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    8. Bid Recommendation- Compton Avenue Alley Improvements- Department of Public Works
    9. Bid Recommendation- Virginia Manor Court Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    10. Purchase Requisition- Rehrig Vision Service Verification Hardware/Software- Environmental Programs
    11. Bid Recommendation- Back-up Generator Preplacement Project Project Phase I- Department of Community Resources and Emergency Management
    12. Appointment of Monta Burrough, Director, Department of Economic and Community Development
    13. Adjournment

    Council Work Session - 4 Sep 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - James Kole, Council President
    2. Van Dusen Road Roadway Improvement Project- Department of Public Works with a Presentation by Century Engineering
    3. Ordinance No. 2029- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland, for Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and to Provide an Effective Date
    4. Bid Recommendation- Fourth and Fifth Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    5. Bid Recommendation- Compton Avenue Alley Improvements- Department of Public Works
    6. Bid Recommendation- Virginia Manor Court Street Improvements- Department of Public Works
    7. Purchase Requisition- Rehrig Vision Service Verification Hardware/Software- Environmental Programs
    8. Bid Recommendation- Back-up Generator Preplacement Project Project Phase I- Department of Community Resources and Emergency Management

    Reminder: Council in Recess for August

    Reminder that the Laurel City Council is in recess for the month of August, and our next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be the Work Session on Wednesday, September 4, followed by the Council Meeting (virtual) on Monday, September 9. (I’ll share details for these as separate posts once available.)

    Many of the City’s Boards and Commissions are also in recess for the month, such as such as the Board of Appeals or the Historic District Commission.

    Of course, there’s still plenty going on around town this month, and one of the places you can checkout is the Community Calendar maintained by The Laurel Independent (scroll towards the bottom and click on “Laurel” to expand).

    Hope you’re enjoying your August & the final weeks of summer! 😃☀️

    Council Meeting - 29 Jul 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.

    Watch live online via LaurelTV, and if you’d like to register to speak, simply reach out to the City Clerk’s office.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Roll Call - Carolyn Edwards, Administrative Assistant II, City Clerk’s Office
    3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    4. General Public Hearing
    5. Second Public Hearing with Possible Action onOrdinance No. 2028- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and Providing an Effective Date
    6. Adjournment

    UPDATE: Miscellaneous items from session:

    • Councilwoman Johnson shared about Back-2-School Community Pop-Up hosted by non-profit Angel Havinn providing school supplies to those who need them plus hosting food, music, moon bounce, more. (See below graphic for additional information.)
    • Mayor Sydnor shared about Doggie Dip Day scheduled for Sep 7 at the Greenview Drive Pool where owners and their canine companions can get wet & have some fun.

    Council Meeting - 22 Jul 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Pledge of Allegiance - Keith R. Sydnor, Mayor
    3. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    6. Fourth of July Committee Acknowledgement- Carreen Koubek, Chairwoman
    7. Consideration of a Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
    8. General Public Hearing
    9. Introduction and First Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2028- An Ordinance Amending the General Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, Maryland for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and Providing an Effective Date
    10. Adjournment

    UPDATE: Miscellaneous items from session –

    • The 4th of July Committee made a wonderful presentation in celebration of the great event earlier in the month, helping bring back good memories of the day’s festivities. You can be part of making next year’s a lot of fun too and your help is needed – Swing on over to the July 4 Committee website to join the merry crew of volunteers.
    • The Laurel Police Department will be holding their 41st Annual National Night Out on Tue, Aug 6 from 6 - 9 p.m. at Granville Gude Park. Both adults and kids are warmly invited to come on out for free hot dogs, K9 unit demos, live music, Rescue Squad Vehicle Extract, games, and more. It’s a great opportunity to meet the people and services that work to keep our city safe.

    Council Meeting - 8 Jul 2024

    See the City of Laurel’s meeting page for the official record, and if any agenda item holds interest for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as we want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


    1. Call to Order - Council President James Kole
    2. Roll Call - Sara A. Green, CPM, CMC, Clerk
    3. Report of the Mayor and City Council
    4. Bharati Dhruva Arts Council 07/08/2024-07/08/2027
    5. General Public Hearing
    6. Bid Recommendation- Granville Gude Park Path Banners- Department of Parks and Recreation
    7. Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
    8. Fleet Acquisition- FY2025 CIP- Fleet Replacement Schedule- Department of Public Works
    9. Fleet Leasing Purchase- FY2025- Laurel Police Department
    10. Bid Recommendation- Ammunition Purchase- Laurel Police Department
    11. Adjournment

    UPDATE: Mayor Sydnor shared items of note during his report this evening, three of which I’ve listed here if helpful to you:

    • There are sites around Laurel (including Laurel High School) that are participating in the Maryland Summer Meals program where free breakfast and lunch are provided to youth aged 18 or younger. Visit the Maryland Summer Meals Finder to locate the site nearest you.
    • For Laurel residents who may be experiencing mail theft issues, they should first report the theft via the United States Postal Service website (since it is a federal crime), and for further support, constituents can sumbit a case via U.S. Congressman Glen Ivey’s website with the USPS theft submission tracking number for his offices to facilitate.
    • The Mayor launched a Safe Summer Nights program starting July 13 where all City of Laurel youth aged 12 to 16 can go to the Laurel Armory on Montgomery Street for games, education, and activities in a safe environment. They’ll need to be checked in and out by their parents and more details can be found at the page linked above.

    Council Work Session - 5 Jul 2024

    I participated in my first Council Work Session immediately after my swearing-in ceremony. See the City of Laurel meeting page for the official record, and the agenda was as listed below.

    Please know that if any agenda item holds interest for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to myself and members of the Council as all of us want to serve you and the people of Laurel.


    1. Call to Order - James Kole, Council President
    2. Bid Recommendation- Granville Gude Park Path Banners- Department of Parks and Recreation
    3. Leasing Agreement- Bigbelly Compost Bins for Multi-family Compost Collection- Environmental Programs
    4. Fleet Acquisition- FY2025 CIP- Fleet Replacement Schedule- Department of Public Works
    5. Fleet Leasing Purchase- FY2025- Laurel Police Department
    6. Bid Recommendation- Ammunition Purchase- Laurel Police Department
    7. Adjournment

    Swearing-in Ceremony Memories

    Truly memorable for me to have my wife and little guys with me for the administration of the Oath of Office. As it turns out, the littlest one is an especially enthusiastic waver of the City of Laurel flag. :) (Thank you to Mayor Sydnor for providing, as it helped keep their attention during the proceedings.)

    A huge thank you to my wife for her support and for what we know will be commitments for our family. A big part of our motivation is to help contribute to a Laurel for our kids and all the kids in our town where they can enjoy, connect, and build great memories of their own.

    Thank you also to all those who came out in-person or were able to share by TV — Your support means a lot and this is something we really all do together to build and make our City a great place to live, work, and play.

    Thank you again, and now on to the work ahead! :)

    (Photo credit: City of Laurel)

    Amazing, surreal, honored

    Amazing, surreal, honored. Three of the many emotions I felt tonight in the process of being selected to fill the vacant Ward 1 seat on the City Council.

    Thank you to the Council for your confidence. And thank you to the voters and residents for your support in last fall’s election - Although we came up just short at the time, your strong support in the last election cycle (highest among all unseated candidates) was a major factor in tonight’s result. Please accept my heartfelt thanks! :)

    During my closing statement, I shared my vision for the role of a Councilmember - One who:

    1. Exercises good financial stewardship of the monies entrusted to the City by its residents
    2. Thinks to the future on how to lay a foundation on which residents can build true community
    3. Promotes a spirit of unity and collaboration
    4. Serves as a personal connection residents can reach out to for answers and to know that their voice is heard

    I now take it as my task to live these out on behalf of you and our City. And I want to encourage us all to continue building our friendships, churches, neighborhood organizations, small businesses, hobby clubs, civic organizations, and more — Each one of the small moments shared between people is truly what makes Laurel great!

    And happy 4th of July! :)

    (Photo credit: City of Laurel)