»Laurel Historical Society Christmas Celebration«

It was a pleasure to spend time with the dedicated volunteers of the Laurel Historical Society as they marked the end of a great year of exhibits and programs helping preserve and promote Laurel’s unique history. In addition to the tasty cookies and the opportunity to revisit the hilarious pictures of the “Awkward Photos” exhibit (last day available Dec 22, from 1-4p), LHS also has a new Christmas ornament this year as part of its long-running series, this one featuring the trolley last used to run from what is now Oliver’s Tavern on Main Street all the way down into DC circa 1920s. You can pickup yours by swinging by their gift shop or ordering from their online store. And mark those calendars for the always anticipated Annual Gala, this year scheduled for May 4!

»Eagle Court of Honor: Vincent Caridi«*

I remember back when I earned my Eagle Scout award from Troop 259 here in Laurel on Main Street, and the citations and recognitions received from various public officials. So it was very surreal, and an honor, 28 years later to join with my fellow Councilman Mills at the Eagle Court of Honor of Vincent Caridi of Troop 1250 at a different section of Main Street and to share a citation and a ‘key of Laurel’ pin with the honoree. It was clear from memories and stories shared by friends and family at the Court of Honor recognition ceremony, that Vincent has grown and benefitted immensely from the Scouting program, and lives out the values and traditions of serving others. Congratulations Vincent!

(Photo credit: Councilman Mills)

»Laurel Police Community Academy Graduation«

If you have any interest in what a real ‘day-in-the-life’ of a police officer is like, or curious about neat things like evidence collection, safe use of firearms, or police ‘ride alongs’, you’ve got to check out the Laurel Police Department’s Community Police Academy! I truly enjoyed meeting the latest class of graduates during their recognition dinner and ceremony recently, and to a one, they shared how much they had gained through the program both in the neat things they got to do, and also in the new found perspective they have on what police officers handle on a day-to-day. Each of them also thanked our officers for being there to protect and serve our residents. (And keep an eye on Laurel Police’s Facebook page and other social media for announcements around the next class starting soon!)

(Photo credit: Laurel Police’s Department)