LARS Turkey Trot / Blessing Baskets / Small Biz Saturday Highlight & Pics
Laurel Advocacy & Referral Services (LARS) 20th Annual Turkey Trot
One thing I learned for sure: Rain cannot dampen the spirits of the dedicated runners nor the LARS volunteers for their annual Turkey Trot, a Laurel tradition now reaching it’s 20th year. I was all prepared to steel myself against the elements and grind through lending a hand awarding medals at the finish line, but I got so pumped and buoyed seeing the energy, enthusiasm, and fun that was being had that I left the morning with more energy than I started and a great way to kick off Thanksgiving morning with the fam'. :) Thanks LARS for the invitation to come out and join you, thank you runners for your support of this great organization – you all are making a difference our community! (Check out the LARS website for the multitude of ways you can join forces to help them combat hunger and homelessness in our community.)

Blessing Baskets
A shout to Mike Mondy of Moving in Maryland realty for his initiative and happy to have been just a small part of his huge effort in organizing the 2nd annual Blessing Baskets campaign. Coordinating with local schools, friends, businesses and community members across town, the campaign was able to assemble over 200 baskets to share with local families in need during the holidays. There was great energy and great people making a great impact – what being a good neighbor is all about. I also got to meet LaNita Cousin, the small business owner of KB Karnival Hall off Main Street where Blessing Baskets was hosted – she’s renovated the space over the last few years and provides a great venue to birthday parties, sweet 16s, small wedding receptions, and more, so be sure to check out the link if you’re in need!

Small Business Saturday
And last Saturday I headed on out to Laurel’s Small Business Saturday event at the Quill Lot on Main Street hosted by the Economic & Community Development department – There I was able to pickup the Small Business Passport book, where residents can collect stamps from small businesses around town and enter the completed book for prizes. (Don’t forget to drop yours off at the Municipal Center by this weekend to count!) Thanks Director Burrough and Economic Development Coordinator Sadaf Parveen for braving the cold. And I was so lucky to be walking down Main Street right after and wander into the awesome candy shop Gladley’s who are open special for the holiday season with all their delicious treats – You just gotta try their Chew La La (caramel taken to another level) or their Laddie cookie or their My Oh Mys, and more. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed with anything you get there! 🍬🍫

Maryland Municipal League (MML) follow-up
Lastly (and if you’ve read this far, thank you!) :), MML released some additional photos from the Leadership Conference I was at earlier this fall that I just had to share – Both for the education sessions I was in (I think the one I’m pictured asking a question in was on ‘Risk Management for Municipalities’) and for the time to connect with municipal leaders both inside and outside Laurel.