Emancipation / Multi-Service / Andy Kostas Highlights & Pics
With September in full swing, it’s that time of year where everything kicks into full gear! 😀 Among the many highlights from the past week for me were:

Picking up some fresh tomatoes and bell peppers from the Farmers Market for dinner — My wife loves tomatoes and said these were especially great!

Participating in the Emancipation Day 1k Fun Walk with my kiddos sponsored by the historic St. Mark’s United Methodist church on 8th street. I also really enjoyed marching in the parade and feasting on the fried fish at the festivities that same afternoon.

Getting a tour of the new Craig A. Moe Multi-Service Center and participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Helping recognize dedicated Laurel volunteer Andy Kostas who is now headed off to join the U.S. Navy.
There’s certainly a lot of good going on here in Laurel and thank you for being part of building community in all the streets, and homes, and schools, and churches, and more all around town!