This past week as part of standard Council training, we all participated in a course about ‘Active Attacker Events’. Although it can be an uncomfortable topic to think about, gaining familiarity of the basics plays a big role in being better prepared should something ever happen. For example, we discussed the three phases the human brain works through (and can sometimes even get stuck) when responding to a high stress event: Denial (wanting to believe this isn’t happening) -> Deliberation (calming yourself enough to rationally think through your alternatives) -> Decisive action (taking the decided course of action). One of the other recent evolutions for situations like these: Be an active participant in your own survival.

I was very impressed at the level of training and experience of our presenters, Laurel Police Officers Sgt. Cunningham and Sgt. Barry, and thankful our community has that expertise in play to protect our residents. And I was also impressed that they make themselves available to businesses and organizations in the City to share this information with them as well, and even to provide complimentary building security assessments and recommendations. If you’re located in town and would like to have them visit, just reach out to the Laurel Police Department to be put in touch.

Thank you officers!