This morning, I happened to bump into members of the Board and Staff of The Laurel Independent while grabbing a coffee at a favorite coffee shop here in Laurel, Ragamuffins. They were meeting to celebrate a strong year and discuss new developments for the paper for the year ahead. Among those present were Board President Marta McLellan Ross, Executive Director Kit Slack, Vice-President Michael Walls, Secretary Melanie Dzwonchyk, Treasurer Joe Murchison, Managing Editor Katie Jones, and Reporter Jessie Newburn (deepest apologies if I missed someone).🫣

It takes a lot of people to put together what we enjoy each month, even more than those listed above. Thank you so much to the entire team! (And thank you to Jessie for the photo – The timing was just perfect to grab a ‘meta’ shot with the latest edition.) 🤪

Auto-generated description: A man is smiling while holding a newspaper and drink in what appears to be a cafe or lounge with string lights and brick walls.